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9″ Offset Bread Knife (customizable)

Original price was: $189.00.Current price is: $133.40.

Engraving Instructions (optional)

None Brush Script $0.00 AR Berkley Old English Embassy BT Georgia Lucida Handwriting Edwardian Script

Product Highlights

Our 9″ Offset Bread Knife keeps your hand away from the chopping board while slicing in a straight line… every time!


Our bread knives are famous for incorporating the almost unique double sided scallop serrations.

This knife slices, it doesn’t tear, and will slice in a straight line every time!

No more wedge shaped toast for you.

The offset handle also keeps your hand away from the chopping board.

Comes with a blade protector.

Joined: 52 months
Products: 30 products
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Our Story
Over recent years, Flint & Flame have been gaining significant recognition in the USA for our outstanding range of Rhineland knives. Our luxurious Rhineland knife range combines exceptional quality, performance and value.