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Discovering the unique Mexican delight that is Tepache


Tepache (pronounced te-pa-che) is a traditional Mexican fermented beverage made from pineapple, specifically from the rind and core of the fruit. It has its roots in pre-Columbian Mexico and is still popular in various parts of the country, particularly in the central and southern regions, and is often sold by street vendors. It can also be made at home using simple ingredients and a bit of patience. Tepache is known for its sweet and tangy flavor and its slight fizziness due to the natural fermentation process.

The beverage is slightly alcoholic, similar to other low or “non-alcoholic” fermented drinks such as kombucha. The alcohol content in Tepache is relatively low, typically ranging from 0.5% to 3% alcohol by volume (ABV). The alcohol content can vary depending on several factors, including the length of the fermentation process, the amount of sugar used, and the specific conditions under which it is prepared.

How is Tepache made?

Tepache is made by harnessing the wonderful flavor found in pineapple rinds and cores. To create this refreshingly tangy and slightly fizzy drink, one begins by peeling a fresh pineapple for its rinds and core. The fruit itself isn’t used in the creation of the beverage. The pineapple parts are cut into small pieces and combined with piloncillo, an unrefined brown sugar. Cinnamon sticks or other spices may be added to infuse additional flavors, and the concoction is submerged in water. A loose covering is placed on the container, allowing for gas exchange during fermentation, while the container is stored in a warm, shaded spot. Over 2 to 4 days, natural yeasts and bacteria work their magic, transforming the sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This results in the characteristic effervescence and unique flavor of Tepache. After the desired level of fermentation is reached, the liquid is strained, chilled, and enjoyed, either as it is or with added spices like chili powder or a pinch of salt. Tepache represents a delightful blend of tradition, flavor, and resourcefulness in Mexican cuisine.

What does Tepache taste like?

Tepache has a unique and delightful flavor profile. It can vary in flavor and sweetness depending on the recipe and the length of fermentation. The pineapple rinds and core impart fruity and tropical notes, while the piloncillo adds rich caramelized sweetness. Any other spices added, such as cinnamon, cloves, or allspice, contribute aromatic and warming notes to the beverage. It’s a refreshing and traditional drink that’s often enjoyed on its own or with added spices like chili powder or salt. It is a great way to reduce food waste by utilizing pineapple scraps that might otherwise be discarded.

A well-made Tepache strikes a harmonious balance between sweetness and tanginess. It’s often described as having a slightly sour kick, reminiscent of a fruit-flavored soda but with a more natural and less intense sweetness. While not as pronounced as commercial sodas, the fizziness adds a pleasant effervescence to the experience.

Have you ever had Tepache? What did you think? Let us know in the comments!

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